use of air power in Chinese
- 使用空军
- 使用空中力量
- "use" in Chinese : n. 1.使用,利用,应用;使用的机会[需要]。 2.使 ...
- "air power" in Chinese : 空军威力;制空权;空军部。
- "convert to the use of electric power" in Chinese : 使改用电力
- "restraint on the use of power" in Chinese : 对权力的制约
- "supervision over the use of power" in Chinese : 对权力的监督
- "the ability to use that power" in Chinese : 运用那种力量的能力
- "use power to do evil" in Chinese : 仗势作恶
- "air power" in Chinese : 空军威力;制空权;空军部。
- "air route in use" in Chinese : 通航里程
- "use of close air support" in Chinese : 使用近距离空中支援
- "can we use the power slips" in Chinese : 可以使用动力卡瓦吗
- "air breathing power plant" in Chinese : 空气喷气动力装置
- "air breathing power unit" in Chinese : 喷气动力装置
- "air defense fighting power" in Chinese : 防空战斗能力
- "air launching power system" in Chinese : 空气发射动力系统
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What is the meaning of use of air power in Chinese and how to say use of air power in Chinese? use of air power Chinese meaning, use of air power的中文,use of air power的中文,use of air power的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by